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 Gypsum is a mechanically formed sedimentary

 Quartzite is a silicious rock.

 Slate is formed by metamorphic action on shale.

 Heavy stone is suitable for retaining wall.

 Hard stone is suitable for rubble masonry.

 Soft stones is suitable for ornamental work.

 Quartzite has most weather resisting

 A good building stone should not absorb water
more than 5%.

 Compact sand stone has more fire resisting

 Weight test is conducted on a stone used in
docks and harbours.

 Granite stone is best suited for construction of
piers and abutments.

 Crushing strength of good building stone
should be more than 100mpa.

 Specific gravity of most of the building stone
lies between 2.5 to 3.

 Pith-annular rings-heartwood-sapwood-
cambium layer-inner and outer bark.

 Shisham is hard wood and offer maximum
resistance to the white ants.

 Star shakes-the radial splits which are wider on
the outside of the log and narrow towards the

 Chir and deodar yields soft wood.

 Mulberry tree used for making of sports goods.

 Dry rot caused due to lack of ventilation.

 Foxiness caused due to over maturity.

 Honey combing caused due to-seasoning.

 Strength of the timber is maximum in the
parallel direction.

 10% to 12% is the moisture content of well
seasoned timber.

 The age of the tree can be known by annular

 1st class timber has an average life of more than
10 years.

 1st class brick should not absorb water more
than 20% when immersed in water for about 24
hours, 22% for 2nd class bricks and 25% for 3rd
class bricks.

 Crushing strength of 1st class bricks not less
than 10.5N/mm^2, 7.5N/mm^2 for 2nd class

 The main function of alumina in brick earth is
to impart plasticity.

 The percentage of alumina in good brick earth
is 20 to 30%.

 Excess of alumina in brick earth cause crack
and warp on drying.

 Excess of silica cause brittleness.

 20*10*10 cm is the nominal size of the brick.

 19*9*9cm is the standard size of brick.

 50 to 60 % silica in good brick earth.

 Silica makes the brick to retain the shape.

 Kneading –the process of mixing the clay water
and other ingredients called.

 60 to 70% turn over in clamp burning where as
80 to 90% turn over in kiln burning.

 Pug mill used for preparation of clay.

 Refractory bricks used in combustion

 The frog of the brick generally kept on the top
face of masonry.

 500 bricks required for one cubic metre of brick

 Quick lime is calcium oxide.

 Hydraulic lime is obtained from burning of

 Lime and silica are the main ingredients of the
Portland cement.

 C3A is responsible for all undesirable
properties of cement.

 Le chate lier apparatus is used for testing the
soundness of cement.

 Vicat apparatus used for testing setting time of

 C3A is responsible for intial setting time of

 The intial setting time for ordinary Portland
cement not less than 30minute.

 The final setting time should be 10 hour.

 The normal consistency of ordinary Portland
cement is 30%.

 Early attainment of strength of cement in
rapid hardening of cement is due to finer

 After storage the strength of the cement is

 Addition of pozzolana to ordinary Portland
cement cause shrinkage.

 Gypsum consists of caso4 and H2O.

 25mm to 50mm is the slump recommended for
mass concrete.

 Low heat cement is used in massive concrete

 Calcium chloride is the common admixture to
accelerate the intial setting time.

 The basic purpose of retarder in concrete is to
increase the intial setting time of concrete.

 Gypsum is most commonly used retarder.

 Carbon influences the maximum properties in

 Wrought iron is the purest form of iron.

 The ultimate tensile strength of steel is

 0.25% of carbon in mild steel.

 Yield stress is used for identifying the quality of
structural steel.

 Flemish bond –alternate courses of header and

 English bond-alternate header and stretcher.

 The pressure acting on the stones in stone
masonry should be perpendicular to the direction
of bedding planes.

 Queen closer-the brick is cut into 2 equal parts
in length wise.

 English bond is provided in masonry for
carrying heavy loads.

 Slenderness ratio-effective length to least
radius of gyration, for masonry walls not more
than 20.

 The differential settlement in case of sandy soil
not more than 25mm.

 In case of foundation on black cotton soil the
most suitable method is to replace the poor soil.

 Grillage foundation is the most economical
foundation to transmit the heavy load.

 Batter pile is used to resist the horizontal and
vertical forces.

 0.9m is the minimum depth of the foundation on
clay soil.

 The bearing capacity of a water logged soil can
be improved by draining the soil.

 Depth or height of arch-is the perpendicular
distance between the intrados and extrados.

 Flat roof is constructed where the rainfall is less
and temperature is high.

 Pitched and sloping roofs are suitable for
coastal region.

 The maximum number of steps generally
restricted is 12.

 Sum of tread and rise must between 400 to

 Minimum width of landing should be equal to
width of stairs.

 In any good stair case the maximum and
minimum pitch is 40’ and 25’.

 Doglegged stairs are half turn stairs.

 Horizontal projection at head and sill called

 Revolving door is suitable for entrance in an air
conditioned building.

 Attrition test determines the rate of wear of

 Efflorescence-formation of white patches on the
brick surface due to presence of alkalies.

 Vanadium steel used in the manufacture of
axles and springs.

 Neoprene is suitable for bearing of bridges.

 To produce low heat cement it is necessary to
reduce the C3A.

 Timber can be made more fire resistant by sir
abel’s process.

 Creosote is derived from wood or coal.

 Excess of sulphur in steel results in red

 Distemper is used to coat interior surface not
exposed to weather.

 Putty is made up of powdered chalk and raw
linseed oil.

 The limit of proportionality is applied more in
the case of mild steel.

 The compacting factor test determines the

 The split tensile strength is 10% to 15%.

 The approximate ratio between the strength of
cement concrete 7 to that of 28 days is 2/3.

 The moisture content of timber is 12%.

 0.85P times amount of water is used ofr intial
setting time, 0.72P for soundness cement.

 Lime mortar is generally made with hydraulic

 The texture of sand stone is granular

 Seasoning of timber is required to remove sap
from timber.

 The ratio of youngs modulus of high tensile
steel to that of mild steel is about 1.

 Poly vinyl chloride is thermoplastic material.

 King closer is related to brick masonry.

 High alumina cement is produced by limestone
and bauxite.

 The optimum number of revolutions required
for concrete mix is 20.

 Manganese steel used in the manufacture of

 Gauged mortar is obtained by adding sand and

 1300’to 1500’ is the temperature range of
cement in kiln.

 Before testing setting time of cement one
should be test for consistency.

 The super plasticizer in a cement paste is
disperse the particles, remove air bubbles and to
retard setting.

 Surkhi is added to lime mortar to impart

 Increase in fineness of cement results in
increase in development of strength and leads to
higher shrinkage.

 The purpose of frog is to form key joint
between brick and mortar.

 Bricks are burnt at a temperature of 900-1200
degree Celsius.

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